
Stuck! I see the word daily, one of my friends’ status lines that remains … never leaving the page, as if a statement itself.  I’m feeling the sentiment. Not in all aspects of life, but certainly when it comes to writing and lately even to the blog I’ve been “speechless.”

They used to tell us in our English classes to just write.  If we didn’t know what to say, say that.  It wasn’t so much about what we were saying as it was about getting it out so we could then begin to understand what we could say, how we could change what we’d said and somehow stories formed and the pages of art were born.

It often began with … I don’t know what to say today, I don’t know what to say today?  Where are these words heading?  And the thoughts continued.

So, I’m letting you in on my world.  The past two years have been struggle and a clinging to Jesus that has marked me.  And now I find I am on a new journey that is for me, much calmer physically, but I’m just starting to learn what has been.  The great revealer of Truth, Jesus, has been teaching me and I feel like I’m mining to understand the great treasure He’s already given.   It’s mystery and revelation all wrapped up in the same package.

So, thanks for bearing with me.  I will purpose to share and write as things come, but if time goes by and you wonder where I’ve been, be encouraged … I’m mining.

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