just in case

After taking them in His arms, He laid His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10: 16

First gifts are challenging.  Do you know what I mean?  When my husband and I were first dating, Christmas came up fairly quickly; and I was not prepared to give him anything worthwhile.  We were not at a place in our relationship where I knew what might bless him, so in order to have a gift on hand, “just in case” I carefully wrapped a book I can tell you he’s NEVER read.  At the time, all I really wanted was a gift, to take the pressure off.

Seeing each other for the first time in a long time (ours was a long distance romance) we smiled a lot and, because we had a drive ahead of us, piled into the car, gifts in hand.  To be fair, his sister helped him pick out something for me.   But, I hid my gift in the back of the car “just in case” he didn’t have one.  I didn’t want to look ridiculous, so I waited until he gave me something and then got his out at the gas station.

The point of this story: oh, yes … he gave me a great gift (nail supplies, which we all know women love and a beautiful cut glass votive holder with a box of votives supplied) that I still have and use everyday.  If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought he knew everything there was to know about me.  He nailed the gift.  Not that it’s hard to get great girl gifts, but many a man has tried and failed.

Now, we know from experience that Grant does not know all about me and I do NOT know all about him.  And, marriage is a beautiful picture of our relationship with the Lord.  Only He does know ALL ABOUT US … He’s waiting for us to come and get to know ALL ABOUT HIM!  It’s called intimacy.

Recently, treadmill running, Jesus met me in a vision.  I saw Eben (he was a little boy, healthy and happy) running towards Jesus who took him and pulled him towards himself, holding him in the curve of his arm.  Eben was laughing as Jesus placed his hand on his stomach and I knew my son was more than ok.  And, I haven’t really thought about it since.

Until today:

My time in the word was in Mark and the verse that stood out said:  After taking them in His arms, He laid His hands on them and blessed them. It was moving, but I didn’t understand what God was trying to say.   I looked closer.  The word here for laying hands on and blessing reveals the posture of the one being blessed.  It was the exact position of Eben in the vision.  I looked again.  Blessing here is verbal:  to praise and celebrate with praises, to make one happy, all by actually speaking … no wonder Eben was laughing.  The more I sought, the more I found.

I had dismissed the vision as a gift from God regarding Eben.  But, God was pursuing ME, calling ME to himself, showing ME more of His character … wanting ME to SEE.  God was speaking to me.  This wasn’t about Eben … this was for ME.  And I had dismissed God.

God is giving personal gifts.  What has he given you?  Are you dismissing it? Have you “given him a book” to get him off your back and just release the pressure a bit? Don’t employ the “just in case” scenarios.  If you sense God pursuing you:  REPENT!  SURRENDER, … LIVE!

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